Monday, August 29, 2011

Sweatin' for Shelter: Pedaling for Pledges

Dear Friends and Family,

Call me crazy (as you no doubt often do), but I want you to help me use the simple power of a bicycle in making the following possible

  • Fostering pets of domestic abuse victims while they find safety and a new life
  • Teaming inmates with homeless dogs—the dogs are trained and socialized for greater chance of adoption; the inmates have the opportunity to give back to the community, find personal growth, learn dog-training skills, and gain compassion
  • Saving homeless cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, turtles, chickens, horses (and more, more, more) from lives of abandonment and possibly death
  • Rehabilitating injured wildlife
  • Using less gasoline and improving the environment
I am committing to use ONLY my bicycle as transportation to work and back (a 27-mile round trip*) for the months of September and October, and I am using this as an opportunity to raise funds for the Dane County Humane Society (DCHS). DCHS has programs that do all of the first four items listed above, plus many more not listed here. The bicycle takes care of the last item.

This is my personal “pledge drive” (would that be a “pledge bike”?), and it is informal and casual—but it IS real. And it can make a difference in people’s and animals’ lives. Please  join me in this cause, and let me know any amount you’re willing to pledge. Your donation is fully tax deductible—after Oct 31 I can collect your check made out to Dane County Humane Society or I can provide a link to the DCHS donation site.

In the meantime, I will be blogging about the experience right here at, so you can follow the path of your pledge.

Please email me or call me (608-358-6427) if you have any questions about my Sweating for Shelter project. Thank you in advance for your support—I am most grateful.
*My two exceptions to making the 27-mile round trip to work via bicycle:
  1.  I won’t bike if it’s not safe (e.g., lightning and flooding); but if it’s just rain without pyrotechnics, I’ll be two-wheelin’ it.
  2. On the mornings of my 5:45 am swim class, I will drive to the gym; then bike to work from the gym and back. That will be a 16-mile round trip by bike.